Writing a cookbook starts from scratch. It begins inside you with your desire to write a cookbook. If there's a cookbook simmering in your thoughts, maybe it's time to get your cookbook out of your mind and on to paper.
Before you begin writing your cookbook, gather the necessary ingredients: Why do you want to write a cookbook? Aside from sharing recipes, what do you want to achieve from writing and publishing your cookbook? Write down your thoughts and feelings about the cookbook you want to write.
Clearly and thoroughly define the scope, theme, and focus of your cookbook. How do you want to shape it? What kind of recipes do you want to include? Tie all these ingredients together with a theme and story line that weaves through your cookbook. What can you offer that's new, interesting, and different? What do you want to feed your readers? A cookbook isn't just a collection of recipes; it's a culinary adventure that serves up lots of interesting tidbits that may or may not be food related. Offer more than recipes. Offer a cookbook that's interesting to read as well as cook from.
After you've gathered your thoughts and put them on paper, create an outline for your cookbook. This is a road map that will guide you during the construction of your cookbook and lead you on the path to making your cookbook a reality. Think about the kind of cookbook you'd love to write and then write that cookbook!